Through reflection we resolve that it is our talent and passion to work with children, adolescents and adults who have experienced grief or trauma. People can experience many kinds of loss in a lifetime and there are of 40 distinct kinds documented. We have developed a safe, non-judgmental, caring place and within these walls healing happens. “Healing Happens Here” because people are accepted and heard with an “Open Heart and Open Ears”, this leads to “Emotional Completeness” with the relationship of their loss and a true transformation in their life.


The vision is that as the people of this area find healing for their emotional pain and decrease the use of substances as a way to manage it in the short term. That the negative effects of substance use will decrease on the person, on the children, and on the family. That child abuse and neglect rates will decrease, suicide rates will decrease, overdoses rates will decrease, and court interactions will decrease.

If you know why you are hurting and you know how to manage that pain and heal that hurt, not just with some myth that has been passed down for ages that does not work but makes things worse, then ultimately the ripple effect would be a positive impact on multiple lives. It would ultimately reduce the Adverse Childhood Events (ACES) thereby reducing the long term impact of negative mental health outcomes and substance use and abuse. Achieving the ultimately goal of reducing Suicide and SAVING LIVES because people would have purpose, meaningful attachments and know how to more effectively manage the emotional hardships that they might experience in life.