Who We Help

Clinical Services For Adults

Stress in our daily lives and the challenges that technology and Covid have brought to our society makes it a more challenging time with isolation, adjustment, relationships, PTSD, and so many other mental health issues. It has heightened isolation and decreased our ability to cope effectively and function, resulting in an increased need for mental health care. Seeking mental health care is as normal as going to the doctor for a cold or the flu.

According to recently published statistics from the Ohio MHADS report of May 2023, "Five Ohioans die every day from Suicide" Mental health care is necessary for Ohioans, as 8 out of 10 people have a mental health diagnosis. These stats can change when we address mental health care by removing stigmas and incorporating mental health into our daily lives.

The therapy offered is through specific modalities and time-limited, based on your goals and your treatment plan is developed with the assigned provider. It is different from one shoe that fits everybody's approach. Your therapist meets you where you are in your healing journey.

Clinical Services For Children

According to the APA, children sometimes need mental health help like adults do. Often it comes when parents, teachers, or other involved adults notice that the child is not functioning as well as they could be. Children sometimes need help adjusting to moving, a parents' divorce, a transition into or out of foster care, or the death of a loved one, including the family pet. Sometimes children are exposed to violence at home, neighborhoods, and even school. When children lack the ability to express their emotions with words to adults, one often sees negative behaviors.

Research has shown that 1 in 5 children ages 3-17 in the US have a mental, emotional, developmental, or behavioral disorder. Also, in 2020, there were 6,600 suicide deaths among the age group of 10-24. In Ohio, there is a suicide in this age group once every 34 hours. Making mental health care a priority in the lives of adolescents can help dramatically reduce this crisis.

The widely accepted treatment modalities for children are effective and offer flexibility within the curriculum to meet the needs of each child and their loss or trauma.

Clinical Services For Veterans

Veterans and Military families are part of a special and specific culture with unique experiences, language, and stressors. The lifestyle is challenging and fast-paced, requiring the ability to form bonds unlike any other organization. These bonds cross generations, distances, wars, and sexes. Members become part of a family stronger than blood and recognized anywhere, at any time.

So, it is important to have a safe place to turn to, such as Emerald Pine, that understands and offers trusted and understanding elements that service their particular needs. We have Veterans on staff and associated with the business to serve this population. Military members, their families, and Veterans are always welcome through the doors at Emerald Pine.

You may use your VA benefit through a REFERRAL to be seen by this VA Community Care Network Provider (VA-CCN) through OPTUM from your Primary Care Provider at the local Community Based- Outpatient Clinic (CBOC) or using PRIVATE INSURANCE to pay. The evidence-based treatments used are the same treatments used at the VAMC and have been researched at the Center for PTSD.